Earning Summer Cash
Not wanting to mooch off of Mom and Dad, Caitlin and Joshua are trying to raise money. They have summer activities they need to pay for and items lost in the fire they want to replace. They are already in the hole (to Jax and me) for swimming lessons and summer passes to the pool. Their chosen method to raise money is to sell bread products – loaves, rolls, etc. You might say they are “raising some dough.”
This isn’t new to them. They’ve both been making bread for a long time. We’ve made our own bread at our house for years now, and they both learned to do it. So you won’t be getting experimental bread, you’ll be getting our tried and true recipe for fantastic fresh bread.

They would like to find a few regular customers, people who they can provide bread to on a regular basis on certain days of the week (Mr Jones every Monday; Mrs Smith on Tues. and Fri. for example). It’s available any day of the week except Sunday. It would be best if they didn’t have more than 4 loaves of bread or 4 dozen rolls on any one day.
One time orders are welcome as well! They won’t turn anyone away.
For special occasions they would do more 4 per day. For example, if you have a family reunion this summer and would like 12 dozen rolls, that would be fine with some advance notice. These would be great for occasions like Memorial Day BBQ, Birthday parties, Thanksgiving dinner, family Christmas Party.
All bread is white bread for now. As soon as we can get our wheat grinder from Missouri we will be able to offer wheat bread too.
One loaf of bread: $5
One dozen rolls: $5
Half dozen rolls: $3
Half dozen cinnamon rolls: $5
2-4 Bread Bowls (for soup): $5 … number depends on the size you want the bowl.

Special pricing available for larger orders. If you want a specialty bread, like Italian bread, then make a request and they may be willing to fill it.
Neither of these two can drive, so we’re anticipating customers to be local (in the PG area). We will deliver to you in that area. If you live outside of PG and want bread (rolls for lunch, or cinnamon rolls for the office maybe), then we will have to make arrangements for pickup (we could meet you near a freeway entrance for instance).
Morning delivery will be most likely. They will wake up, make the dough, and deliver the breads when they are done baking. You could have fresh, hot bread in the mornings for breakfast!

For large special orders we can make arrangements for delivery to other locations. Again, just give us enough advance notice and we’ll make sure the kids take good care of you.
Order Your Dough Now!
So if you would like a weekly delivery of specially made fresh bread, then order now! We’ll take orders for up to 4 loaves, or 4 dozen rolls, per day. You can order by filling out the form below, private message on Facebook, or give us a call at 870-291-1520. Be sure to tell us which day you’d like regular deliveries on!
Satisfaction guaranteed. They are kids. They’ve been known to occasionally forget to add things like salt, or sugar. So if you get a bad batch then it will be replaced for free.
Payment expected upon delivery. Cash is preferred.
If you haven’t tasted our manna from heaven before, than a free sample will be provided upon request.
[contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Bread Request’ type=’checkbox-multiple’ required=’1′ options=’Loaf – Leave comment if more than one,1 Dozen Rolls,1/2 Dozen Rolls,1/2 Dozen Cinnamon Rolls,Soup Bowls – Comment either 2 large or 4 small,Special Order – Comment Below’/][contact-field label=’Delivery Date’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Contact Method’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’/][/contact-form]