My heart has been breaking as I watch the news reports about the flooding in Southern MO. I’ve seen so many pictures of devastation that I’ve been in constant prayer for the people there.

Thankfully the loss of life has been very minimal. Damage to things is repairable. Restoring life is still beyond modern medicine though. I’m so grateful that nobody I know is permanently gone.
Thomasville, MO
Thomasville is in the north end of our county. I talked to a friend on the phone last night who lives near Thomasville, MO. He said that town is just simply gone. He said all but two homes have been washed away or been made uninhabitable. The waters either moved them off of foundations or washed them away completely. The town just simply vanished in many respects.
My friend turned out luckier than most. He only had about 9 of his cows washed away, along with some trailers. He hasn’t been home in a few days because he can’t get there! As tragic as that might sound to some, he was extremely grateful that it wasn’t worse. This same friend has been watching my cows for me while I’m in Utah. I feel terrible that he lost so many of his but that all of mine apparently survived.
Pocahontas, AR
The city of Pocahontas in Northern Arkansas is still under water. I drove through this town at least once a week for over a year. It was beautiful and friendly. It is still underwater days later because of levee breaches on the Black River. This water has no place to drain to because it isn’t in the flow of the river. The flooding is going to do extensive damage because the water can’t move down stream. Heartbreaking.

West Plains, MO
This was the closest “large” town near Julie and I. This is where our church house was located, and were the cultural events were held (sporting events, etc). The photos of this town underwater were amazing (in the negative way).
The most shocking of them to me was seeing the highway lined with lumber from one of the nearby lumber yards that had simply floated away. I’m not talking about a few boards, but entire bundles of lumber that you would need a forklift to move.
Countless photos have been shared showing flooding over roads, flooded parking lots, and damaged infrastructure. I can’t recall any water source near the high school… but the track was washed out. Entire shopping complexes underwater. Bridges gone, roads gone, homes gone. The flooding was indiscriminate in its destruction.
Feeling Helpless
Where our home stood we were well above any flood waters. If we were there I’d have access to my tractor, chainsaw, chains, and such and could be helping the people of my community (all the same people who helped us) clean up the mess. But here I sit in Utah unable to do much.
I know that Alton Bank has an account opened to help the people of Thomasville. If any of you reading this are inclined, you could contact them and make a donation. I’m sure there are others for people in West Plains and Pocahontas that I don’t know about.
I know I’m broken and can’t do much. But I wish I were there to help do what I could. The people in this area of the world are among the best I have ever met. I’m heartbroken seeing their loss. I would have said seeing their suffering, but they are a good people full of faith and a strong sense of community… if there is suffering, I’m sure that it won’t last long. They know how to overcome that. And I am sure that they will.
but Maybe not totally Helpless…
I may not be totally helpless though. I do have an entire cow and an entire pig that have been slaughtered and stored by friends for us. If any of you know of anyone hurt by the flooding, someone in need of food, let me know. If your group/church/club is having a fundraiser and would like meat donated, let me know. Soup kitchen, food bank, etc. I have an entire beef and pork that I can donate.
But because I’m not there I don’t know where to donate them… so if you know of needs, please, please let me know. I want to help if I can. I’ve made the same offer to my church leaders in West Plains, so first come first serve I guess. If you know of some good use this meat can be used for, please pass on the info and I’ll do what I can from across the country to make it happen.
God bless you all, and especially those affected by these floods. I miss you all and have had you in my prayers!
Many prayers have been answered, and more will continue. We have seen so many incredible people pull together. Thank you for all the prayers from all over for all out in the flooding. We miss your family but you are where Heavenly Father needs you to be. Hugs the Bayton’s