Flooding in Missouri and Arkansas

My heart has been breaking as I watch the news reports about the flooding in Southern MO.   I’ve seen so many pictures of devastation that I’ve been in constant prayer for the people there.

Photo by Eugene Dobson – Taken In Shannon County MO

Thankfully the loss of life has been very minimal.   Damage to things is repairable.   Restoring life is still beyond modern medicine though.  I’m so grateful that nobody I know is permanently gone.

Thomasville, MO

Thomasville is in the north end of our county.  I talked to a friend on the phone last night who lives near Thomasville, MO.  He said that town is just simply gone.   He said all but two homes have been washed away or been made uninhabitable.  The waters either moved them off of foundations or washed them away completely.  The town just simply vanished in many respects.

My friend turned out luckier than most.   He only had about 9 of his cows washed away, along with some trailers.   He hasn’t been home in a few days because he can’t get there!  As tragic as that might sound to some, he was extremely grateful that it wasn’t worse.   This same friend has been watching my cows for me while I’m in Utah.   I feel terrible that he lost so many of his but that all of mine apparently survived.

Pocahontas, AR

The city of Pocahontas in Northern Arkansas is still under water.   I drove through this town at least once a week for over a year.  It was beautiful and friendly.   It is still underwater days later because of levee breaches on the Black River.   This water has no place to drain to because it isn’t in the flow of the river.  The flooding is going to do extensive damage because the water can’t move down stream.  Heartbreaking.

Flooding in No AR
Pocahontas AR under water

West Plains, MO

This was the closest “large” town near Julie and I.  This is where our church house was located, and were the cultural events were held (sporting events, etc).   The photos of this town underwater were amazing (in the negative way).

The most shocking of them to me was seeing the highway lined with lumber from one of the nearby lumber yards that had simply floated away.  I’m not talking about a few boards, but entire bundles of lumber that you would need a forklift to move.

Countless photos have been shared showing flooding over roads, flooded parking lots, and damaged infrastructure.  I can’t recall any water source near the high school… but the track was washed out.   Entire shopping complexes underwater.   Bridges gone, roads gone, homes gone.   The flooding was indiscriminate in its destruction.

Feeling Helpless

Where our home stood we were well above any flood waters.  If we were there I’d have access to my tractor, chainsaw, chains, and such and could be helping the people of my community (all the same people who helped us) clean up the mess.  But here I sit in Utah unable to do much.

I know that Alton Bank has an account opened to help the people of Thomasville.  If any of you reading this are inclined, you could contact them and make a donation.   I’m sure there are others for people in West Plains and Pocahontas that I don’t know about.

I know I’m broken and can’t do much.  But I wish I were there to help do what I could.  The people in this area of the world are among the best I have ever met.   I’m heartbroken seeing their loss.   I would have said seeing their suffering, but they are a good people full of faith and a strong sense of community… if there is suffering, I’m sure that it won’t last long.  They know how to overcome that.  And I am sure that they will.

but Maybe not totally Helpless…

I may not be totally helpless though.  I do have an entire cow and an entire pig that have been slaughtered and stored by friends for us.   If any of you know of anyone hurt by the flooding, someone in need of food, let me know.   If your group/church/club is having a fundraiser and would like meat donated, let me know.  Soup kitchen, food bank, etc.   I have an entire beef and pork that I can donate.

But because I’m not there I don’t know where to donate them… so if you know of needs, please, please let me know.   I want to help if I can.   I’ve made the same offer to my church leaders in West Plains, so first come first serve I guess.   If you know of some good use this meat can be used for, please pass on the info and I’ll do what I can from across the country to make it happen.

God bless you all, and especially those affected by these floods.   I miss you all and have had you in my prayers!


Jax and I have been discussing where our journey is going to lead us.  I’m not overly thrilled with our options.  But as I have taken the day to mull things over I have come to this understanding.  Sometimes we have to do things we may not want to do in order to attain the things we want. 

For example, if I want to lose weight, I will probably need to diet in one form or another.  Now I can make the best of that diet by choosing a diet that will fit my lifestyle.  But I will need to make changes in my diet if I want changes to occur on my waistline.  If I want to be able to run a marathon or climb Mount Everest, I will have to train every day.  I can’t just wake up in the morning and expect to do great physical feats. I have to work hard, work through sore muscles, work when I don’t want to. 

My aunt tells a story of going listening to a concert pianist with whom she had grown up with.  She talks of how effortless his performance seemed as his hand glided across the keys.  While talking to him afterwards, she casually said, “I would give my right arm to play like that.”  His response has stayed with her through the years. “Would you?  Would you really?  Because that’s what it takes.  That is what I did.”  While other children were running and playing in the streets, he chose to practice the piano.  While other boys were playing baseball his hands were learning how to make music.  He knew what he wanted and he did everything he could to attain that goal. 

So as I sit here in limbo trying to weigh my options I have decided that I need to decide what it is that I really want.  What do I want in five or ten years?  Is it a house, a farm, a boat?  For me, those things are secondary.  What I want, is a happy and whole family.  I want a husband who may have scars but whose wounds have healed.  I want children who are happy and productive.  

They should understand that they can do hard things.  They can reach any goal they set for themselves.  I want them to learn that even when life throws you a curve ball, you still have options.  You can smash it out of the park.  You can hit it and bide your time on first base.  Even if you try with all your might, you might strike out.  But there will be other pitches, other times at bat, other games to win. 

Sounds great. I want a happy little family. To some people that may sound like a very vague goal.  But in my situation there are some very specific things that we must do to reach that goal.  The first thing is to help Jax heal from the trials that are still plaguing his dreams and turning them into nightmares.  We have other trials to heal from, some visible and some very personal.  There are financial, physical, and emotional elements to consider.

That being said.  As I weigh my options, I feel like I have a clearer view of my path.  If I want Jax better then I need to live where he can get proper care.  I will make the best of this curve ball…  I’m going to smash this thing out of the park!  And I will enjoy the journey as I go. 

Feeling the Love

Thank you so much for all the comments of support and love about our new plans to stay in Utah. We’ve had lots of comments from this blog, on Facebook, and through private messaging.  For the first time we had over 100 views on the blog.  So we know you care enough to take the time to read about what we’re doing.   Thank you!

We’re very lucky to have so many good friends who are happy that we have a great option that allows us to get the help we need. Our staying here has left some of you happy we’ll be nearby, and left others sad that we’ll be so far away. We love you all and wish we didn’t need to choose. I guess we’re making that proverbial lemonade though.

Making Lemonade
When Life Gives You Lemons


I’m sure that the adventures aren’t over, so don’t stop following us now.  Our Journey is still carrying on.   We still have to deal with our MO property.  And our livestock.  And our equipment.  That mortgage won’t take care of itself either.

So if you want to keep following along, please do so.  We’ll keep trying to improve on what we do here.  We love you all.   Thanks!!

Facing A New Problem… In Search of Income

Today’s depressive episode is surrounding the fact that we/I need to find some way to generate more income.

We’ve never had this problem

Julie and I have never been in debt for anything other than our mortgage.  Never had any credit card debt, student loans, car payments, or other common debt that many people deal with.  Despite many years now of meager income, we’ve always been able to budget what we have in order to make ends meet.

We’ve never been wealthy, but never been destitute.   We’ve been below the poverty line, but have been able to live a life comparable to those above it because we have always made financially sound decisions.  We’ve never had to be stressed about money, and have been deliriously happy about our quality of life.

But facing the imminent reality that our home is gone, and we will likely get no funds from the insurance,  that might change.   We are facing the idea that we might no longer be able to survive on my VA disability income alone.   We will likely still be responsible for the mortgage for the home that no longer exists. We are loath to file bankruptcy.   I know that bankruptcy is common, and that most of you would suggest it for us, but we’d much rather find a way to pay off the debt.   We may end up there, but would like another way.

How to find more income?

But is there another way?  No idea.  How can I pay for the housing we currently need AND pay for the housing that no longer exists? I’m broken (mentally and physically) in such a way that employment isn’t feasible.   We still have 3 non-school age children at home that I’m only marginally able to take care of, and so having Julie find regular employment would be very difficult.

Non-Employment Options?

But what about other income possibilities that aren’t based on employment? That don’t trade time for money?   What if Julie wrote a book about being the wife of a PTSD vet?   She’s eloquent and has a degree in literature, and I’m a walking talking head case, so I’m sure she could write about her own experiences and produce a good product (heaven knows I provide enough content!).   But is there a market that would read/buy such a book?

We obviously have a blog… and some people make money from them.   I can’t imagine how many people it would take to read/follow this for it to be a source of income though.  That likelihood seems doubtful.   I don’t think I’m really that interesting.  Do people like reading about depression or depressing things? That’s questionable.

What if we took what we have remaining and pursued the idea of living on a boat?   Could we sell a TV series that follows a PTSD vet and his family of 10 as they live in the close quarters of a boat, attempt to learn to sail,  swim with sharks, try to catch our own food, and struggle to survive living at sea?  If people were willing to watch Honey Boo-Boo, they might watch me yell at a broken sail in the middle of a raging storm, right?

Sell a kidney on the black market?  I’ll keep that at the bottom of the list.  (a friend once told me that a testicle goes for about $200,000.  I think with 8 kids I’ve proven mine are fully functional, but I think I’d like to hang onto them).

I’ve read all sorts of reports that say that begging is very profitable.  I could put on some military clothing and hold a cardboard sign saying I was in need… and it wouldn’t be a lie!


So, give me your thoughts on the above or give me your best ideas for income generation that would allow Julie to stay in the house.

Still Dreaming…

I know that I’m probably further away from sailing/cruising than I was when this blog was started, but I’m still dreaming of it.

I came across this post from one cruiser, Beth, who was speaking with another one, Kent, asking him why he wanted to change his lifestyle and move onto a boat.

His answer was fascinating to me, and I thought you might like to consider it as well.  I don’t have a rote answer when asked about sailing, but if I were to choose to have  one, his might be the one I’d like to have.