But Where Will We Park

Like dominoes, there are a lot of things that have to fall in place to accomplish even simple tasks around my parents house.  Answering “where will we park?” is one of those.

Current Parking

The driveway at my parents house is about 400 ft long and takes a near 180 turn into the garages on the back.  Unfortunately nobody has been able to park there for some time.

The culprit is the 40′ motorhome that my parents bought that dominates that space.  That huge machine doesn’t really fit into the space nicely, and it makes it really difficult to park another vehicle in there.   And so for years now nobody has.  Instead my parents (and visitors) have been parking single file in the driveway and walking across the front lawn.

1st Domino

“Dad, when we move in, where will we park?”   With more than just my parents living there soon, we need to find another way to park.  It’s totally impractical for us to continue to try parking single file in the driveway indefinitely.

Because the area in front of the garages has not been drivable, other items have taken over that space.  So, to answer “where will we park”, the answer was “right there were those bags of mulch are.”

2nd Domino

That answer naturally leads to “where are we going to put the mulch?” Well, in one of the flower beds of course.  The only problem was that none of the flower beds were cleaned out and ready for mulch.   So we set the younger kids to pulling weeds out of the flower bed bordering the soon-to-be-parking area.

The kids did great.  They were aided a lot by Julie and her boundless energy who would go over and help them out when ever I took one of my all-too-frequent breaks.

3rd Domino

With that flower bed getting cleaned out and looking much nicer, it became painfully apparent that the tree in the corner of the bed was in dire need of a good trimming.   And so that task was set upon as well.

A good 90 minutes were spent trimming and grooming that tree.  There were numerous branches reaching out and rubbing against the house/shingles.  Those were largely removed.  Many branches were crossing over/under each other or growing down toward the ground that needed removal as well.   And then a whole lot of others that were growing over the parking area were so low that a car would have a hard time getting through them.   Some branches were so think that the loppers were traded in for a reciprocating saw.

4th Domino

Not letting that be enough, now that the weeds were pulled and the tree was trimmed we could easily see how much stuff and been placed under there while we were doing our cleaning.   So now we needed to find a new place to hide quite a few “eye sore” items.   That led to the need to clean off a pallet to place those items on…

You see how this is going right?

In order to fully complete one project another one is required, which needs another, which demands something different.  It is a long line of dominoes that need to fall to make this house comfortably livable for the 12 people who are going to live there.

If there are any expert domino players out there, I’d love the help!


Did you notice that with all that work, I didn’t mention what we’re doing about the real problem, the motorhome?  Well, my parents will be taking it on vacation shortly after we move in.   While they are gone we will clear out a better place in the yard for it to go when they return.


Update After My Hiatus

I’ve been on a hiatus and think I should give an update on life.  With nothing really going on I just haven’t found anything to write about.   Of course things have happened, but they all seem so small and insignificant at the time that they don’t seem worth mentioning.  It is only in the accumulation of seemingly insignificant changes that the scope of the change becomes apparent.


Things aren’t moving as quickly as I’d like, but they are moving about as quickly as they could possibly move.  We finished the wiring/plumbing/etc last week; HVAC was installed last week, and the sheetrock was hung this week.  The sheetrock mudders will be in on Monday.   By the end of the week we should be able to paint.

While the sheetrock was going up this week we were working on the deck that is going out the south side of the great room (going to have to stop calling it that because now it is a collection of small rooms that are no greater than any other rooms).   We have the supports up and joists up.  We don’t have any decking or railing on yet.  That might happen this week while the mudders have us out of the place again this week.

As soon as we can get back in we will paint just as quickly as possible and then get to finishing the bathroom and working on flooring.

I will try to get some video edited of what the space looks like out to you soon!


We have accepted (grudgingly) that we won’t be moving back to MO anytime soon.  This is sad.  We don’t want to lose the property though just in case we ever do find a way to get back there.

Even though we are way under water on the mortgage for a house that no longer exists, we have still been making the payments.   I’ve tried reaching the bank to see if we can work something out but they refuse to speak to me.  If nothing else I’d like to get approval to lower my payments since there is no insurance on the property (why would there be?) and the taxes are going to be MUCH lower now with no home.

We have sold our cattle.  They have been at a neighbors house since the fire and he took care of them over the winter.  I had him haul them to auction this week and should get a check for them soon.  That will help out a lot of things!

We haven’t decided how/when we are going to collect the rest of our things.  I think it is feasible to have everything loaded into my storage unit and then ship the entire thing here to Utah, but I don’t have a good way of getting it all loaded.  I could ask friends/neighbors to do it for me, but that seems like a big ask.   Maybe my Dad goes back and does it with help.  May I have to do it?  Still undecided.


Everyone is fine.  Caitlin (15) and Joshua (13) had birthdays.  Everyone is healthy and enjoying the summer.  They’d like to not be working at my parents so much, but it hasn’t been bad.  With frequent (near daily) trips to the pool or the new splash pad in Bluffdale they are all getting out a lot.  They’ve done some hiking and sports too.

I think everyone is apprehensive about the move.  We know my parents place won’t be done.  We only have 2 weeks from today, so I don’t even know what state of cleanliness it will be in.   But school is starting, so we will move in regardless and make the best of it.   Maybe with school starting it will help make things easier for Julie and I to get things into a more livable condition.


I’m surviving.  I’m still going to all my regular appointments (several a week) and getting by.

I have started and completed the beginners portion of Canines with a Cause.  I still don’t have my own dog but have been working with their dogs.  The first part of the intermediate class that begins in a few weeks will be looking for my own dog.  The timing is working out fine since I couldn’t have my own here at the Penrod’s, but can have one as soon as we move.   This will go a LONG way to helping my anxiety and will hopefully be beneficial in dealing with nightmares too.

Julie is still crazy!


You haven’t seen any running logs since the pool opened because we stopped running.  We have instead been swimming.  I have the kids do laps each time we show up to keep them doing some cardio, then they are free to go play (which rarely includes actual swimming).

My exercise has been fine, but hasn’t resulted in any weight loss.  I think it has trimmed up my waist a little bit (several people have mentioned it), but my actual weight hasn’t gone down.  Perhaps with time.

Looking for a Binky… How Joshua Fails At Life

This post is for you if any of the following apply:

You know Joshua

You like to laugh at Joshua

You are considering having a child

You have a child

You wonder why that child can’t find anything, ever

You like to look at grass!

A Genuine Smile

Bluffdale 1st Ward

The Jensens attended church today with the Bluffdale 1st ward.  That is the ward that I grew up in and will be attending again once we move.  It was quite nice to see the large number of people that are still there from when I was a little boy.

We attended there today (and hopefully will often) so that the kids can try to make some friends before school starts.  It would be nice for them to already know people on their first day so that they can fit in just a little bit easier.  So we took the drive from PG to Bluffdale so that they could have that opportunity.

I am sure that only a few know we are moving in, and fewer knew we would be attending services with them today.   So they were not expecting us.  That set the stage for two nice experiences for me (or perhaps for the same nice experiment twice?).

A Genuine Smile

Twice today, I passed someone who was an adult in the ward while I was growing up, and I said, “Hello ______” and called them by their first name.  Both times this person replied, “Hello” in a kind but unfamiliar way and started to move on.  But when I extended my hand to shake, they took a moment and really looked at me.

Both of these fine gentlemen then flashed a genuine smile and said something close to “Oh! Hi Richard.  It’s so good to see you. How have you been?”   While they were polite and cordial with me when they thought we were strangers, when they realized that they knew me, their behavior changed to reflect genuine affection.


This was a rarity for me.  The only time I ever get that kind of ‘brotherly kindness’ shown to me from someone outside my household is one particular saint of a man in Missouri.  I don’t know if or when I’ll see him again.  And I am bereft of friends here in Utah.  So just this simple extension of recognition and a genuine smile felt good to someone for whom it rarely happens.

Since my Army days I’m more cantankerous and introverted.  I don’t expect to make many new friends (and all my efforts so far seem to have failed).   There isn’t a whole lot about me to like or to want to spend time with.  But these two men knew me before.  They knew me when I was young, healthy, and energetic.   I’d like to think they remember me as someone who smiled and was outgoing, instead of someone who grimaced or scowled.  They know me as I used to be; and how I would wish to be again someday.  They remember a version of me I like.  They were happy to see me, which isn’t something that ever happens to me any more.

So it was small and simple – a genuine smile.  By now they probably don’t even remember it and it probably meant nothing to them.  But the encounters were meaningful to me.  They uplifted me today.  And for that I am grateful.

Dentist, CWAC and Wiring

Today started early!  That alarm at 6:30am was not welcome at all.  For a day crammed with dentist, wiring, and a pitbull, I would have preferred more sleep.  I’m firmly of the opinion that the world shouldn’t exist at that time.  Alas…


The reason for the early morning was Joshua’s 8am dentist appointment for a temporary crown.  This was compounded by the fact that the dentist is in Riverton, a 30 or so minute drive from Pleasant Grove.

Leaving the rest of the family home, Julie, Joshua, and I left at 7am for my parents place in Bluffdale.   There Julie and Joshua jumped into my parents car and headed to the appointment.  This was fine with my parents as they sleep late into the day (we often wake them up well after 10am to start working.)

Josh received his temporary crown and has an appointment for the permanent one in a few weeks.  The temp one though was given with instructions to not eat any apples… poor kid might starve!


I left as soon as I dropped them off in Bluffdale and headed toward SLC.  I must have been ahead of the worst of traffic because I made it with a lot of time to spare before my group session.   So I ran quite a few errands.

First stop was Home Depot to get the supplies that we needed to complete a handful of tasks.  This included the can lights so we can finish the wiring, and a few odd plumbing pieces.

Next was the bank.  Their drive up window says it is open at 8:30 and I pulled in at precisely that time.  A woman was there who explained she got stuck in traffic and would need a 10 minutes or so to get up and running.  I took the time to fill up on gas across the street.   After cashing few checks I was off to the VA.

Dental Issues Again

With still 90 minutes until my session I was off to enrollment.  I had a few days prior called to schedule an appointment with VA Dental clinic but they declined to make me an appointment, saying I wasn’t eligible.  This was surprising to me because I was receiving dental care in Little Rock.

So I needed to visit enrollment to clarify my eligibility.  The guy at enrollment was awesome.  As soon as I explained what I needed he looked me up and sighed.  “Yes, you are clearly eligible.  Who did you talk to over there? Man or woman” I told him a guy.  “*sigh That’d be the guy you just moved from here over to that office.  I’ll get it straightened out.”  So he made a phone call (rather than making me do it) and politely corrected the person who answered that, yes, I did qualify for dental coverage, and made the appointment for me next week.

Good service from the VA?  I’m amazed!  Kudos to Jacob at the SLC VA Enrollment office!  You were great!!

With those miscellaneous errands done I was off to my group session.


Because I was able to complete all of my errands before group, I had about 2.5 hours to kill before my CWAC meeting.   So I cruised back down to Bluffdale and helped Julie and Joshua who were expertly handling the wiring in the bedrooms.

They had it handled, but it moved faster with me there.  I have this magic ability to save time be being able to reach things in high places without moving around ladders or chairs.  Go me!  I also dropped of the cans that I had picked up earlier.  After I left with Josh to go to CWAC Julie was able to get some of those installed and wired as well.

If we get this house done by our “deadline” it will be entirely thanks to Julie’s hard work and skill.

Canines With A Cause

Today was my first CWAC meeting with dogs present.  Because I don’t have one of my own I was handling one of their dogs in training.  Today I was paired with Piper, a female black Pitbull who was a great joy to work with.

At this stage the meetings are NOT about training the dogs nearly as much as they are about training US, the handlers, how to deal with them.   We used clickers and chunks of hot dogs as treats to learn how to shape the animals behavior.

Just being around the dog helped my feel better.  It filled the void of losing Chief, my Great Pyrenees we had in MO.   I’ll be working with a different dog next week, but I don’t mind.  I’m just happy to be around one at all.  My mother in law absolutely won’t allow me to have one here at her house, so I can’t get one until we’ve moved anyway.  So I’ll gladly take what I can get now and anxiously look forward to moving and getting a dog of my own.

When that was done Josh and I jumped back into the van, picked up Julie, and headed home.  It was a hot and tiring day, with far too many miles, but it was productive.   Josh saw a dentist. My meetings went well.  I have an appointment with a dentist. Julie got a lot of wiring done.  Dad was able to get a lot of the plumbing done.  The sheet rocker visited and got us in his schedule.  Hopefully we can string a lot of these type days together … minus the heat!