Creating a YouTube Channel

Believe it or not, creating a YouTube channel is free and easy.

But, Why YouTube?

As it also turns out, I can’t upload video that is any larger than 64Mb directly to this blog.   That is only about 4 minutes of video.  I had promised video of the Central Elementary mini-marathon race and spent about an hour editing the video I took trying to make it small enough upload.  I just couldn’t get the file small enough… and so

Enter YouTube.

I should be able to upload a video of any size to YouTube and then embed it into the blog.   That is the hope anyway.  I think it should work.  Someone please correct me if I’m wrong.   I won’t know for sure until this video is uploaded… and it is taking long enough for me to write this entire post.  :/

How do you find the Jensen Journey Channel?

Easy…  Here is the link for you to follow (I hope it works, please let me know if it doesn’t).  Or you could just go to YouTube and do a channel search for “Jensen Journey” (I have no idea if that will work).  If you have an account you can subscribe and follow us and there will be a permanent link on your homepage.

Am I getting a little ostentatious with our own channel?  Yes!  Does that bother me? No!  Should I care more about that? Probably.   But hey, I have mental problems, so you really shouldn’t criticize me 🙂

So we hope that you will soon find yourself enjoying more videos on this blog.  Getting people to visit that channel isn’t the goal here.  Our goal was just to find a way to post longer videos of our adventures here on the blog.   Hopefully it will work the way I want it to.  Any other advice about this is welcome.



An Entirely Different Species

Julie’s Mother’s Day gift

For Mother’s Day Julie updated all of the photographs on her mother’s mantel.  During the Christmas holiday 2016, Blake had paid a photographer to come take family photos since the entire family was in town.   These photos were available long ago, but no one had printed them out.

All in all they were a good set of pictures.  It is a good looking family and everything seemed normal in the photos.  Until one giant problem was noticed.   We had discovered an entirely new species, and it was captured in the photos.  Look closely below and see if you can see it!

Jensen Family photo 2016 with Penrods

Not the same species!

Did you find it?  If you look closely at the center of the photo you’ll find it.  It is very round, covered in hair (except on top of it’s head), and is wearing a gray T-shirt.  I’m talking about me of course!!

Look at the sizes of the people in that photo, and tell me that I don’t look like I’m an entirely different species!  Look how small my entire family looks next to me.  Either I have giant blood, or they are part dwarf.  Either way, we couldn’t possibly come from the same gene pool, could we?

Further Research

Of course, one photo might be a fluke.  I might have been on a hill.  The others were in a hole.  The angle of the camera just distorted the way I looked.  Of course I’m not some weirdly huge new species, right?

So we decided that we would needed more data.  So we checked out the photo of the ENTIRE family.  Two of the brothers-in-law are fairly tall.  Surely a second photo will prove that the first photo was just an odd picture.   And what we found was…

Entire Penrod Family

… sure enough I must be an entirely new species.


I’m not sure how it happened, but apparently I’m a really large human being.  I don’t even think I’m particularly tall.   About 3-5x per year I have someone ask me if I’m a bouncer, if I played in the NFL, or some other such thing suggesting that I’m a large intimidating man.   And now that I see these photos, I guess I can begin to understand it.

I still think these photos must be flukes though.  The brother-in-law closest to me is, in my mind, almost as big as I am.   I think the one just over from him, Ben, is actually taller than I am.   Why do I look like the Incredible Hulk?  It can’t all be the weight, can it?

I’ll guess I’ll have to lose the weight to find out!

In the mean time, since it might be the funniest movie clip of all time, I present to you ME, starring in The Avengers!


Running Log 5/15/17

Running Log 5/15/17

Location: Central Elementary School, PG Utah

Task: Complete the “mini-marathon” that the school was putting on as part of a fundraiser.  Complete the 2.62 mile course.

This was Julie’s first ever race.  She finished last in the family, but did fantastic nonetheless.  She completed in just over 25 minutes.

Josh had a bounce back performance after his lackluster Saturday run.   He finished third for the entire course.  There was a 1 mile “shortcut” that others took and they finished sooner.  Josh however did the full 2.62 and only had 2 people finish ahead of him.

The girls all did fine.  Charlee said she wanted to puke when she was done, but Cat and Kristie both seemed chipper.   I’ll update this with their times if they still remember them.   I didn’t write them down.   Nikki stayed with me and the 3 younger boys.

I took GoPro footage of the race, so I’ll try to post that at some later time.